Never Ignore These 3 AC Noises in Seminole, FL

When the summer temperatures break records in Seminole, FL, you’ll appreciate having air conditioning at home. However, sometimes problems arise, and you might hear strange noises coming from your AC system. Keep reading to learn about three unusual noises coming from your AC system you should never ignore.


Over time, the internal parts of a compressor, such as the fan blades or connector rod, could come loose. When one of these parts rattles around while your AC system is running, it could make loud noises as it hits other components or the compressor’s frame. When you hear any kind of banging coming from your AC system’s compressor, ask for help as soon as you can to avoid major damage to your air conditioner.


Your AC system uses refrigerant, which is in the piping, to absorb heat from inside your home and send it outdoors. Any type of crack or hole in that piping could let refrigerant out. Since the refrigerant is typically under intense pressure, it could make a hissing noise as it releases. A refrigerant leak can make it much more difficult for your AC system to function efficiently, so you need to address it quickly.


If you notice a high-pitched screeching noise when your air conditioner turns on, a few things could be happening. For example, the fan motor bearings might have lost lubrication or the fan belt may have fallen out of alignment. No matter the exact cause of the screeching noise, have a service technician fix the problem so that everything can run smoothly.

Loud banging, hissing and screeching AC noises can indicate that your air conditioner needs immediate attention. If you’re looking for reliable air conditioning repair services in Seminole, FL, reach out to our team at Arctic Air Systems.

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