Is a Bigger HVAC System Better for Your Saint Petersburg, FL Home?
In the world of heating and cooling systems, bigger is not better. In fact, installing the right HVAC system for the size of your home is the most important factor in actually reaching those promised energy efficiency results, while consistently keeping your home’s temperatures comfortable during the steamy Saint Petersburg, FL weather.
Extract Excess Moisture
An important function of an air conditioner is to remove excess moisture from the air, which is especially helpful in our high-humidity climate along the Suncoast. A large capacity air conditioning unit cools the house too quickly to keep the humidity below safe levels. When it is muggy inside, it feels warmer than the actual temperature plus the AC system must work harder to cool the air.
Achieve Energy Efficiency
An oversized or undersized unit not only works harder to achieve desired temperatures but also runs longer or rapidly short cycles. This makes it impossible to achieve the potential energy efficiency ratings promised by the manufacturer. The increased energy consumption drives up your utility bills and wears the expensive equipment down sooner. Improperly fitted HVAC systems can also diminish indoor air quality, creating or aggravating respiratory health problems for your family.
Calculating Proper Size
An HVAC system can only be properly sized with a precise load calculation. An experienced HVAC contractor determines the right air conditioning tonnage and heating BTU by evaluating a variety of factors, ranging from square footage and number of windows to insulation and outdoor shading. Before any HVAC installation, your contractor should conduct a Manual J calculation that is unique to your home.
Arctic Air Systemsis a trusted resource for high-quality HVAC installations that are built to last. As a Trane factory-authorized dealer, we can connect you with some of the most advanced technology in the industry. Contact us today to consult with our expert home comfort specialists about the right HVAC system for your residence.